5.5.3 Complete the text. Replace the Russian words and phrases by the English equivalents. Planning
Budgeting is a управленческая функция and not simply an учетная функция . Все уровни управления should be вовлечены на какой-либо стадии in the setting of the budget proposals. The overall ответственность за координирование and final publication бюджета will be the budget committee, but the budget should be подготовлен at departmental level. The budget officer (probably a management accountant) will collate the различные бюджеты into a мастер-бюджет. Торговая смета is the starting point для всех бюджетов as рыночный спрос is often the key or limiting factor. Этот бюджет является точкой отсчета for the other departmental budgets. Бюджет продвижения товара от производителя к производителю will include the затраты по достижению the planned sales level: sales staff required, комиссионные, транспорт, distribution costs and реклама. Бюджет производственных затрат will detail the производственная мощность and емкость складских помещений required to achieve the agreed выход продукции. Бюджет административных расходов will include all expenses not covered by sales or production and будет включать все другие накладные расходы, research and development costs etc. The master budget will then be translated into three parts: a ‘кассовый бюджет’, a ‘profit and loss’ budget and a прогнозируемый баланс. When adopted by the Board of Directors the master budget доводится до сведения to all departments. It становится планом for the forthcoming period.
- 5.1 Getting started
- 5.2 Look through the following vocabulary notes which will help you understand the text and discuss the topic.
- 5.3 Reading Costs and Costing Methods
- 5.4 Comprehension
- 5.4.1 Answer the questions using the active vocabulary and Unit 5 Glossary.
- 5.4.2 Mark these statements t(true) or f(false) according to the information in the Text and Unit 5 Glossary. If they are false say why.
- 5.5 Language practice
- 5.5.1 Match the English terms in the left-hand column with the definition in the right-hand column.
- 5.5.2 Complete the following texts using the suitable words or phrases from the box.
- Budgetary Control
- 5.5.3 Complete the text. Replace the Russian words and phrases by the English equivalents. Planning
- 5.5.4 Text for discussion.
- Control
- 5.6 Render the passage in English using the English equivalents of the italicised phrases given in Russian. Express the main idea of the passage in one sentence.